Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Beautiful Asian Girl-Kids Photography

Beautiful Asian Girl-Kids Photography

Beautiful Asian Girl-Kids Photography

Beautiful Asian Girl-Kids Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Kids Photography about "Beautiful Asian Girl - Kids Photography" Beautiful Asian Girl, This picture I can while being attend a social event of the Foundation who care about orphans, when an event has been completed there is the Division of the prize, and I took this picture when this little girl when getting a gift as the smartest students.

Beautiful Asian Girl-Kids Photography Cuteness of a child is very natural, they were raised by God by itself, they begin to socialize with each other, they've learned to communicate between their fellow peers.

How to find a beautiful Asian girl

If you are looking for a beautiful Asian girl, you will most likely be a Chinese, Indian or Filipino girl. Only in the United States are these three nationalities the 3 main migrants.

Here are 3 tips to find a beautiful Asian girl:

Location. Location. Location. That's how they say it in real estate, and the same is true, so you can find your beautiful asian girl. Generally, Asians are generally concentrated in the main urban areas: Tri-State (new York, New Jersey and Connecticut), California and Illinois. They go where there are many vacancies.

Filipino girls are fairly easy to recognize. A significant number of Filipino girls are in health care such as nurses, nurses, relatives or medical technicians. Religion is just as important to them, and most (about 90%) is Catholic. Go to a hospital or a Catholic Church and you will find them there.

It is important to remember that Asians have their own cabal through the association through the region where they come from, through the place where they work, and sometimes through the social organizations to which they belong. It is best to consult your corresponding consulate about any events that take place in your area. Soon you will find a beautiful Asian girl.

The next tip is to use your computer to your advantage. If you're open for online dating, you can find out which websites you visit frequently. You can also try to focus on the Meetup.com group you belong to in your community. These "meeting groups" welcome people of any ethnic origin who are interested in learning their culture.

Know the culture the cultural aspect plays a very important role among Asians. This includes values, traditions, religion and cuisine. When Asians meet almost everywhere, food is always involved. Most Filipinos eat up to five times a day with three meals and two sandwiches in the middle. Try to immerse yourself in Asian cuisine by going to various restaurants with Asian themes or specialties.

If you are talking about a traditional Chinese or an Indian, it is possible that the parents still impose an arranged marriage. This is not a problem for the most modern Asian parents, but it is important to consider if you are looking for a serious relationship. Approach an Asian girl carefully. Asian parents have learned conservative values for their children. They even play an important role in your search. While you meet an Asian girl, you will also get to know her family. Do not be surprised if these girls still live with their parents, even if they are over eighteen. Traditional Asian parents control their children's lives until they marry and sometimes even afterwards. Training is also very important for them, so do not be surprised if they ask you about your education and training (where you live, what your parents serve to serve what you earn to earn for life's stay).

Because it is also known that Asians have close family ties, distant relatives are sometimes considered in their constituency. They usually support their close relatives in times of distress, emotionally and financially. Some even travel over long distances, such as visiting their home country to visit a sick relative or attend family gatherings or meetings. The phone card, cable TV (a means of keeping home at home) and money transfer industries are the main recipients of these Asian features.

Unlike Westerners, some Asians are not straightforward and want to be modest and modest, so if you're looking for an Asian girl, try to avoid being too arrogant because it can leave your family alone. If you look at a beautiful Asian girl in the morning, remember these things and you are on your way to becoming addicted to that first date.

Tips on how to date beautiful asian girls

If you are a man who has seen an unusually attractive Asian girl, you may ask yourself by now how to date her and make her yours. Beautiful Asian women are constantly bombarded with attention. Since they have the looks of every other woman is fantasizing about, they tend to be very selective about the dating man.

Here are a few tips on how to date beautiful Asian women:

1. Always be presentable. Beautiful Asian woman is always well dressed and manicured. You can't expect them to be impressed if you look like someone who just woke up. Always keep your look up; Beautiful girls as good looking man. Even if you are far from looking like Brad Pitt, if you smell nice, dress well and act appropriately, you might find yourself dating a beautiful woman soon.

2. Another tip on how to date a beautiful Asian girl is, try to be unique. Many guys have no clue how many times a day a beautiful woman is praised and contacted by various guys who say the same thing over and over again. When they hear a guy say something different, it will create attraction in them. Don't tell her how beautiful she is for she heard that before. The key is to notice something very unique about them and compliment them on that specific details. Ask her an open question which would allow her to talk more about herself. When she starts to speak, listen attentively. By doing this, you are letting her know that you are interested in her. Most guys would tell her she is beautiful and start selling their selves to her. You just need to be different from the rest.

3. Be lovable. Everyone loves a person who has a pleasant personality. It works for beautiful woman too. Many men wonder when they see a beautiful girl dating a "fat and ugly" man. Remember the story of Beauty and the beast? Inside the hideous beast was a beautiful Prince! You can draw a girl's attention if you are fun to be with, amiable, easy to talk to, and accommodating.

4. Introduce her with different date options. Many men have brought her to a movie or a fancy restaurant; Try something else. At this point, it's good to know something about her. If she likes sports, then you can invite her to watch a game.

Tips on how to date Asian girls are simple. Like any other woman, they are like a man who is physically, emotionally and socially defensible.

Kids Photography

Such a Kids Photography entitled Beautiful Asian Girl - Kids Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Beautiful Asian Girl, Kids Photography, Grace Anata, 

Flowers That Smell Good-Kids Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, flowers that smell good, Kids Photography, Grace Anata,
BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, flowers that smell good, Kids Photography, Grace Anata, 

Flowers That Smell Good-Kids Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Kids Photography about "flowers that smell good - Kids Photography" flowers that smell good, When you already have children, and they're at the age of a toddler then looks we feel is an atmosphere of funny, these pictures reflect the mood of it when I was away attending a social event on the child.

Flowers That Smell Good-Kids Photography innocence of a child is a gift that God gave very incredible to both parents who gave birth to them, smelling the flowers of a reflection in a breath of beauty, then keep your children give them freedom in expression.

Does the silk flowers smell good?

Fresh flowers produce a great fragrance. This reflects life, as well as the flora and fauna of the natural habitat. The aroma of genuinely fresh flowers comes from the pollination process. As the seeds produce fresh and new flowers, they radiate color and a great fragrance. This natural process continues and the flowers always look fresh. Therefore, floral silk scents have been a question for many people who have not used them.

The silk arrangements smell good since they do not have a final fragrance. You can change the scent using fragrances and other fragrances. It can be said that silk flowers smell good because they have a very light natural fragrance. This ensures that people who are allergic to flowers do not need to cover their noses or sneeze and cough as a result of the smell. Due to this factor, the purchase of silk flowers has increased over the years. They are not only durable, but also cheaper compared to fresh flowers. The shape and design of the flowers can also be manipulated to adopt a certain style. It is with this, however, that a number of wedding decorators have picked up the use of silk flowers. They offer a great opportunity to mix the colors of these flowers with the theme of the wedding, a feat that was limited when it comes to natural fresh flowers. Unlike fresh flowers, which require constant weeding as well as watering, silk flowers need basic dust and can be stored for a prolonged period of time.

Silk flowers can be used to make a bouquet in a given design. The scent can also be added using favorite fragrances. The flowers are beautiful to look at and radiate splendor, if they are well designed and created especially in apartments, such as weddings and party events. Last but not least; Flowers can be used to imitate real natural flowers due to the fact that they share a great resemblance.

The bakeries have aromas, Stockyards have smells. Our sense of smell can be fundamental, but so is our need for shelter. Not only do you want to make your home look attractive to potential buyers, but it also smells good to your noses. The way to a man's heart can be through his belly, but the way to the buyer's heart is through his nose.

Here are 7 tips to help you achieve the sweet fragrance of success:

1. Clean your house completely. Impeccable houses smell better and houses that smell better, sell better.

2. Clean or replace your carpets, especially if you have pets. You want potential buyers to imagine living in your home; To make your house, your home. Odor-O-vision may not have been invented yet, but for potential buyers, a house must smell home to do so.

3. If your basement is like most, it has that "basement odor". Most of the time is what should be the smell of a room that has had a bit of humidity combined with lack of ventilation. Sometimes, the smell of the basement comes from mold or even mold. Follow the source of moisture, remove it and aerate the space.

4. No smoking, in the house, always. No, you do not have to quit smoking to sell your house, just take it outside. Although smokers are not bothered by the smell of outdated smoke, no amount of perfume can hide that smell from a nonsmoker's nose (especially if she is a smoker). The smell of outdated smoke in your home can cost you a big purchase.

5. Bake an apple pie. Bakeries use this scent to sell their products and then you should. I have tasted cherries, blueberries and even rhubarb. Somehow, Apple seems to do the trick. Also, after they finish their presentations, everything goes well with coffee or a glass of milk.

6. Place the cinnamon sticks and crush them. This goes well with the aroma of apple pie and the people of the local filtration plant seem to appreciate it.

7. Fresh flowers make the world a better, brighter and sweeter place, especially the part inside your house.

Kids Photography

Such a Kids Photography entitled flowers that smell good - Kids Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, flowers that smell good, Kids Photography, Grace Anata, 

Monday, January 8, 2018

Black And White Clouds-Black And White Photography

 BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Black And White Photography, Black And White Clouds, Grace Anata,

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Black And White Photography, Black And White Clouds, Grace Anata,

Black And White Clouds-Black And White Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Black And White Photography about "Black And White Clouds - Black And White Photography" Black And White Clouds, a when travel home from the region of cirebon headed home in the city of bandung, I saw a beautiful cloud appears, creepy and so powerful her character.

Black And White Clouds-Black And White Photography illustrates that in lives there is a such thing as differences and opposites, there is black there is white there is high there is low, there is good there is bad, this is the message I want to convey the image of a black and white This is where you yourself can interpret the content of this simple image called Black And White Clouds-Black And White Photography

Black and white photo conversion

Most of the images were produced in black and white almost a hundred years after the invention of photography, but now the backgrounds have become commonplace. Making strong three-dimensional images on a sheet of paper is one of the best features of black and white photography, because the effect is more striking than with a color photograph. Without the color to distract us, we become more aware of the subtle tones that can be found in a black-and-white image. In this article I share the technique that I use to help you create beautiful, eye-catching and moody black-and-white photos of your color photos.

Digital cameras have a monochrome mode, but more information and details are recorded in color, which also results in higher print quality. That's why I always photograph in color and convert images later. There are several ways to convert an image to black and white with Photoshop and many other image editing programs. You can easily desaturate the colors, but making a black and white image with real tone and definition goes beyond that. Levels, curves and unsharp masks can be creatively used with black-and-white conversion for extra control over tones and contrast to create a stunning image.

Channel Mixer - I have found that the use of Photoshop channel mixer is the easiest way to convert an image to black and white and give the best results. With Channel Mixer you can determine how much red, green and blue contribute to the final monochrome image.

Channel mixer can be selected in the adjustment layer's shortcut menu in the Layers palette, or you can also open it via the image in the submenu.

If you click on the left thread box with the name monochrome, your photo will be converted to an image in shades of gray and you can mix the red, green and blue channels. Adjust each of the sliders to produce an image as desired. Make sure that the total values ​​for each channel add up to 100%. Creates monochrome images that match the photos taken in black-and-white film using red, green, or blue filters. For example, if you want to maximize the cloud contrast in a blue sky, a red filter would achieve this. I usually set the red channel to 0 and the green channel to 100 to reduce the amount of noise, or sometimes a combination of red and green, depending on the image.

Curves and levels - Brightness and contrast can be adjusted in Photoshop using curves and level tools, which you can find under image> adjustment curves / levels. With both curves and levels you can adjust the tonal range of an image. When you use the Levels command, you can adjust only three variables, highlights, shadows, and midtones. I prefer to use curves because it gives you more precision. With curves you can adjust each point along a scale, while you can keep a maximum of 15 other values ​​constant. By adjusting the black point and the white point in curves, you can give your photo more contrast. There is a small point in the opposite ends of the diagonal line. If you hold one of the dots with your mouse and drag it towards you, you will see the image change. To create more contrast, drag the black point down and the white point higher so that one end of the diagonal line is bent. Practice using curves and levels and explore the different effects you can achieve with your photos.

Unsharp Mask - The blurry overlay is my favorite tool for sharpening images, which you can find under the> Sharp> Unsharp Mask filter. It is a traditional film composing technique that is used to sharpen edges in an image and correct blurry images. Unsharp mask finds pixels that are different from surrounding pixels based on the threshold you specify, and increases the pixel contrast by the amount you specify. To get the look I want on my photos, I use the blurry mask twice. I start with a high radius and lower quantities, such as a radius of 50 pixels and a quantity of 30%. This gives the image a much more intense look and the details will stand out. The second time I use a lower radius of 1 pixel with a higher number of 30%, so that any blurring is corrected and the image is sharpened.

Basic principles of digital photography in black and white

Most amateur photographers choose to use color and light to enhance the composition of their photos, but many are not aware of what effects can be created by using black and white. Here are some tips on the basic principles of digital photography in black and white.

First of all, the amateur photographer must remember that black and white is not as simple as plain black or plain white. Do not forget all shades of gray in between and the possible contrasts. Lighting is just as important in the basic principles of black and white digital photography, because it is in color because of the contrasts and textures it can create.

Photographing landscapes: on a sunny day with cloudless skies It is probably best to stick to colors, but if there are clouds that create shadows on the ground, it can produce amazing contrasts. A really stormy, downward sky with wavy clouds looks great in black and white, which yields really rugged, rocky landscapes. A grassy meadow full of wild flowers will not create the right effect at all.

The purpose of black and white landscape photography is to produce drama using the contrast between bright light and dark shadows. Do not focus on aspects of your photo that normally require color to show them the best effect.

Photographing portraits: another of the black-and-white basic principles of digital photography are portraits. Most people have seen professional wedding photographers at work and their resulting monochrome portraits. The lack of color means that the subject is the overall focus of the image and the muted tones give an atmosphere of timelessness and romance.

The lack of color also provides an artistic tone and modern digital cameras often have different tone modes, such as shades of gray and sepia, as well as just black and white.

Here are some more technical and artistic black and white digital photography Basics:

1. Download a camera that will shoot in RAW (this is not an abbreviation, it means literally unprocessed) and allows you to perform the processing on your computer and gives you much more flexibility.

2. Use the lowest possible ISO to reduce the grainy appearance. You can add it again later if you want, but you can not delete it.

3. Take photos outside on a cloudy day.

4. Since you can not focus on colors, look for textures and tones to make your photos interesting.

5. Use movement in your images to give strength and drama.

6. Invest in a good software program such as Adobe Photoshop for manipulation of your postproduction.

If you follow this black-and-white printer for digital photography, you will soon opt for professional photos.

Black And White Photography

Such a Black And White Photography entitled Black And White Clouds - Black And White Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

Best Photography

The Village-Black And White Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Black And White Photography, The Village, Grace Anata,
BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Black And White Photography, The Village, Grace Anata,

The Village-Black And White Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Black And White Photography about "The Village - Black And White Photography" The Village, This picture I took a while on our trip to the area in an urban friends in bandung, but it turns out that behind the bustling urban and very jammed on the streets behind the city of tersebuat there is a beautiful village there is composed of a simple homes they inhabit a long time ago.

Pictures photos of The Village-Black And White Photography I took with your goals that are at the outer there can see how the difference diversity communities in the world that you can see from a simple photographic images with the title of The Village-Black And White Photography.

The Village People - Where are They Now?

Whenever we hear the letters "Y," "M," "C," or "A," it is hard not to think of The Village People. A disco group made up of an Indian, a police officer, a construction worker, a cowboy, a military man, a biker and, on occasion, a sailor, it's fair to say that this group of people were about as original as they come. Selling over 85 million albums and spawning such hits as "Macho Man" and "In the Navy," the music of the Village People is still a staple at wedding receptions and high school dances everywhere. But as for the people themselves - the people behind the Y, the M, the C, and the A - where did they go? Did the cowboy ride off into the sunset or the biker find himself leader of the Hell's Angels? Well, not exactly, but you might be surprised to find out that The Village People are still around....and singing.

The Village People were brought to the scene to launch a new kind of disco music and a unique way of performing that had never been done before: it doesn't just take a village to raise a child, it also takes a village to make macho men with mustaches a hit.

At the end of 1979, The Village People appeared to be a 1970's fad, and indeed they found themselves most popular during this era. But, the 1980's didn't forget about the men who made YMCA a household acronym. The decade that belonged to new wave music saw The Village People appear in a movie - one that was, granted, ill received - and release both minor and sub-major successful club hits. In the mid 1980's, the Village People took a break from performing and creating music; they reunited for a comeback tour in 1993.

Upon their comeback, the 1990's saw The Village People resting somewhat on their laurels - as they focused on their past hits - but it turns out their laurels were a good place to rest. In 1994, they were asked to join the German National Football team to sing the World Cup theme song, "All the way in America." Ten years later, the group found themselves touring in Berlin then moving on to serve as the opening act for Cher's Farewell Tour.

In 2006, The Village People were asked to be headliners at the Asbury Park's Gay Pride festival in June and opened for Los Lonely Boys in Texas on the Fourth of July. They also performed at the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon and at the Hard Rock Café in the Dominican Republic.

The Village People have always been random - if anything - and their appearances attest to this: The Village People could appear just about anywhere from a local bar to the White House and they are sure to pop up randomly in years to come. In summer 2007, they will celebrate their 30th anniversary and, it's safe to say, they may still be just getting started.

Jennifer Jordan is a senior editor for [http://iturbocharge.com]. Possessing an infatuation with pop culture – and a gift for stalking – she keeps up on the latest news of the musical world.

Black And White Photography

Such a Black And White Photography entitled The Village - Black And White Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

Best Photography

Pretty Little Girl-Kids Photography

Pretty Little Girl
Pretty Little Girl

Pretty Little Girl-Kids Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Kids Photography about "Pretty Little Girl - Kids Photography" Pretty Little Girl, This image I get when in conjunction with her husband visiting an area in the garden onions called "the Argapura" an area in the District of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia.

a when we were resting after a long drive, and enter into a new canteen stalls and buy snacks, there met a cute little daughter, she looked embarrassed when I see it, seeming to play catch-up attention and his difficult when taking his face is funny, this picture is obtained when there is one occasion where this little boy, show his face when going to see his mother who is preparing the food for us,

Kids Photography

Such a Kids Photography entitled Pretty Little Girl - Kids Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

Best Photography

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Botanical Garden-Landscape Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Landscape Photography, The Botanical Garden, Grace Anata,
 Landscape Photography, The Botanical Garden, by Grace Anata,

The Botanical Garden-Landscape Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Landscape Photography about "The Botanical Garden - Landscape Photography" The Botanical Garden, This picture I took at the time were touring on an area of plantation area "Argapura" area of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia.

Something fun when when I get images of The Botanical Garden-Landscape Photography is my husband, the struggle to get the limit distance looking at riding a mountain with a very steep ride and very deep abyss is a very wonderful experience and it is not easy we could be in this position.
The Botanical Garden-Landscape Photography describes the greatness of God for his creation, the The Botanical Garden so beautifully, they emit light colors so beautiful that is covered by a very fresh air and make the eyes become comfortable with the color of the green foliage, which makes this walk does not want to step away to leave this place, so here's an overview in the The Botanical Garden-Landscape Photography.

Landscape Photography

Such a Landscape Photography entitled The Botanical Garden - Landscape Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Landscape Photography, The Botanical Garden, Grace Anata,

Botanical Gardens Lights - Landscape Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Landscape Photography, Botanical Gardens Lights, Grace Anata,
Landscape Photography, Botanical Gardens Lights, By Grace Anata,

Botanical Gardens Lights - Landscape Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Landscape Photography about "Botanical Gardens Lights - Landscape Photography" Botanical Gardens Lights, This picture I took at the time were touring on an area of plantation area "Argapura" area of Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia.

Something fun when when I get images of Botanical Gardens Lights-Landscape Photography is my husband, the struggle to get the limit distance looking at riding a mountain with a very steep ride and very deep abyss is a very wonderful experience and it is not easy we could be in this position.

Botanical Gardens Lights-Landscape Photography describes the greatness of God for his creation, the Botanical Gardens Lights so beautifully, they emit light colors so beautiful that is covered by a very fresh air and make the eyes become comfortable with the color of the green foliage, which makes this walk does not want to step away to leave this place, so here's an overview in the Botanical Gardens Lights-Landscape Photography.

Landscape Photography

Such a Landscape Photography entitled Botanical Gardens Lights - Landscape Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com


BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Landscape Photography, Botanical Gardens Lights, Grace Anata,

Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography

Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography
Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography

Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Portrait Photography about "Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography" Harvesting Onions, This image I get when touring the estate into an area, I see the leeks alongside husband there was a peasant women are carrying onions to be kept in place then this photo I gave the title "Harvesting Onions- Portrait Photography "

Harvesting Onions-Portrait Photography, the simplicity of the form shown in the composition of this photo is the actual language of the people there are from Harvesting Onions photo-Portrait Photography is, simplicity is the hallmark of the community the countryside, they are not demanding much much more, they need to do is live life with a sense of brotherhood, because there is a jokey banter between one another, between one community with other communities.

Portrait Photography

Such a Portrait Photography entitled Harvesting Onions - Portrait Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog www.bestphotography4u.blogspot.com


BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Portrait Photography, Harvesting Onions, Grace Anata,

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Angklung Indonesia - Music Photography

 BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Music Photography, Angklung Indonesia, Grace Anata,

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Music Photography, 

Angklung Indonesia - Music Photography

BEST PHOTOGRAPHY today from Music Photography about "Angklung Indonesia - Music Photography" Angklung Indonesia, This image in this photo is a prominent academics angklung tradition in Indonesia, he is the father of my sister, I took this photo when he was giving a description of the function and the meaning contained in the instrument angklung tradition This

Angklung is one of the origins of the tradition music of West Java, in lat the angklung music has a profound meaning, in a photograph which would like delivered is the message of this photo is the comments against this photo like what? Please write in the comments field at the bottom of this article.

Music Photography

Such a Music Photography entitled Angklung Indonesia - Music Photography this may give the impression to you all, please can you see the BEST PHOTOGRAPHY from the blog http://bestphotography.laskarkampungku.com


BEST PHOTOGRAPHY, Music Photography, Angklung Indonesia, Grace Anata,